Customized and Personalized Coaching

Monday, April 14, 2008

Rolling with the homies

Yay! Warmth! Sunday it was naer 50 degrees. I nearly wet myself I was so excited.
After getting the mandatory workout out of the way, my fella and I took our mountain bikes out for a spin.
We ended up beach combing on the Coast Guard base.
Found some nice beach glass which I kept for who knows what reason.

On the return trip, we saw four or five deer taking advantage of the long awaited spring time weather as well.

This coming weekend is the Earth Day Triathlon; the only triathlon on the island. It's a modified sprint with an 1100 yard swim, 5K run and 20K bike. I'm not sure why the bike follows the run, but that's the way they've always run it. It's a C race for me, so I'm just going to treat it as my usual Saturday morning brick. Praying for decent weather.
Making it happen,

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I love beach glass and would definitely keep any I find. I was wondering if you've ever done the Humpy's Marathon in Anchorage? Know anything about it? If so, I'd love to hear from you! ( Thanks:-)
