Customized and Personalized Coaching

Monday, February 26, 2007

Make It Happen!

Today is an important day in my life. On this day in 2005 my dear aunt, Lynda, passed away from pancreatic cancer.

I cannot even begin to explain the impact this had on my family. Lynda was a remarkable woman and without a doubt one of the most generous soul ever to walk among us. She was taken from us far too soon and far too quickly. Following her diagnosis in December, she lived for less than three months before succumbing to her disease. We were fortunate in that we were given the opportunity to say goodbye and to tell her how much we each loved her and how we each treasured her in our own ways.
I will never let a day go by without thinking of her and being thankful for the life lessons she shared with me.
Which brings me to the title of this email. Since losing Lynda, I have adapted the phrase "Make it Happen" as my mantra. Lynda was never one to give order or demand things. In fact, she would sooner bend over backward and suffer herself before letting someone go without. One day, after she had entered hospice care, she called my mother into her room and said "Get me an orange soda. No ice. In a clear glass. Make it happen!" It was so unlike her, that we couldn't help but laugh. Ever since, I use that phrase as often as possible When I race, I write it on my calf under my age. When I'm having a bad day, I say it to myself to remind me of her and what is truly important in life. And of course, I say it when I want to laugh and be sure not to take this too short life too seriously. While I still miss her terribly, she gave me a wonderful gift.
I could not help but think she was saying hello this morning when I saw this beautiful sunrise through my office window.

I love you, Lynda.
Making it happen,


  1. A beautiful, moving and meaningful post.

  2. beautiful tribute. Remembering is important. :)

  3. Great post. I have an ultra-runner friend who is under hospice care right now, and it's tough. I am fully a fan of "make it happen" or I guess my similiar thought is "life is too short..." and then use that as my action step.
    Life is too short. We need to reach out and embrace things, peoples, experiences. You never know what will happen tomorrow. Live today.
