Customized and Personalized Coaching

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

It's all a matter of perspective

A few days ago a friend of mine called me to ask me a few questions about training and such. She is writing a story for the local paper on athletes who raise money while doing some sort of endurance event (i.e. Team In Training, Team For Kids, etc.). She asked me what the hardest part of getting into triathlon was for me. I said "learning how to swim."
A day or so later, she asked me to clarify what I meant.
"When you said learning to swim, you meant learning how to be a strong swimmer, right?"
"Nope. I needed to learn how to swim. Period."
"Are you kidding me?"
"No. I never had any coaching or classes as a kid, so I had to teach myself when I decided I wanted to finish a triathlon."
"Oh my God. You're amazing."
I laughed it off and shrugged my shoulders. Looking back now I realize how far I truly have come. I remember those first days of training when I was lucky to go 25 yards without stopping. We tend to get caught up in the day-to-day challenges or criticize ourselves for a bad race or workout. Every once in a while, I encourage you to step back and look at the bigger picture. You've come a long way....I guarantee it.

Making it happen....


  1. Quite an accomplisment! Learning to swim just so you can be a Trigeek. Such a noble quest. I know a woman in Texas that learned to swim and eventually made it on the Americas Tri Team as an age grouper. You're next!
    BTW, you look like Smantha McGlone (CA Olympian Triathlete)in your 2 pics on your blog page.

  2. I am right there with you, look back at the very start of my blog and you will notice i could not get across the pool and worked my way up in less than a year to a half ironman. I think it was the best part because it was the hardest for me....ROCK ON!!!!

  3. i had to learn to swim too. at the end of december 2005 i swam across the pool for the first time ever.

  4. Swimming rocks!

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