Customized and Personalized Coaching

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

RANT...part 2!!

It's been hard to adjust to swimming in a pool with other people. In Kodiak, it was not at all uncommon to experience swimming laps in an empty pool for entire duration of my workout. Now that I'm living in Seattle, I knew that I would lose this luxury. For the most part, I've grown to accept the circle swim and having to share a lane with up to 5 other people. I cannot fault people for wanting to swim during the limited hours lap swim is offered. So, that's not my rant. My rant is directed at the people who cannot seem to understand the concept of lane sharing and lane designations. Lanes are marked with different speeds for a reason people! When the lane marker says fast or very fast and you don't even know how to put on a swim cap, then DON'T USE THE FAST LANE!!! Should be obvious, right? Common courtesy, right? Minimal brain power required, right? You'd think so. Along those lines, even if you are fast enough to be in a certain lane, should you decide to do a kick set or a few laps of back stoke, then perhaps you would be kind enough to move to a slower or more open lane for the duration of these particular exercises. Can you tell I had a bad night at the pool? 
Oh, but the silver lining is I swam my fastest 500 to date. Must have tapped into some of that frustration. 

1 comment:

  1. This does not surprise me, given the inexplicable refusal of WA drivers to observe the rule of the "fast lane" on the freeway.
