Since my last post the following events have taken place:
1. I severely sprained my ankle, which severely sprained my training and severely sprained my mental state. I'm finally back to running again after six weeks off. I was able to bike, but could only swim with a pull buoy. I was introduced to the mind numbingly boring brain drain known as aqua jogging.
2. I went to Mexico. Didn't run there either. I ate a lot of tacos and guacamole.
3. I got a cold that knocked me on my ass for three long days and continued to linger for no fewer than three weeks.
4. Items 1 through 3 made me listen to the message the universe was yelling in my ear and withdrew from Oceanside 70.3. This is the firs time I've had to drop out of a race and it was heart breaking. Still, I'm sure each of us is faced with decisions like that at some point or another and we can only hope that we can make the decision that is right for our bodies, rather than our minds.
5. I became an aunt!! My niece, Drew Lockhart Connell, was born on March 5th. She was born with a heart condition known as transposition of the great arteries and underwent major surgery at 7 days old. After another 7 days, she was finally allowed to go home with her mom and dad.
My sister gave birth completely naturally, which continues to blow my mind. She weights less than a paper clip. Imagine a watermelon coming out of a tube of toothpaste. So between Drew and her mom, I have two new huge sources of inspiration for keeping going in the last tough miles of any race.
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